Simões’s work departs from the experimentation with resistances and vulnerabilities of various materials such as paper, metals, concrete, wax, silicone. His sculptural work departs from the spacial study inherent to architecture and serves as a pretext to revisit the aesthetic canons of Brazilian Neo-concretism movement.
With a sort of nostalgia, the artist presents us with pieces that, although they are formal in their essence, become poetic and political statements about the current Latin American environment.
About the artist:
Lucas Simões (Catanduva, 1980) studied Architecture at the Catholic University of Brazil and at the Polytechnic of Milan. His work has been exhibited in venues such as the 10th Mercosul Biennial, Brazil; Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw; Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo; Frankfurt Buchmesse, Germany; Itochu Aoyama Art Square, Tokyo; MAC USP, São Paulo, MAR Rio di Janeiro and Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, Paço das Artes, Sao Paulo, among other museums and galleries around the world.
In Residency: January – February 2017