MARSO, Sans Titre (2016) and Sultana
Opening Saturday April 14, 2018 at 12 hrs.
Sans Titre (2016) and Sultana present works by Paloma Proudfoot (UK, 1992) and George Rouy (UK, 1994).
Marso presents works by Carlos Arias (Chile, 1964) and Lorena Herrera Rashid (Mexico, 1972).
Condo Mexico City will feature exhibitions by 49 galleries across 22 Mexico City spaces. Condo takes its name from ‘condominium’ and is a large-scale collaborative exhibition of international galleries. Host galleries share their spaces with visiting galleries – either by co-curating an exhibition together, or dividing their galleries and allocating spaces. The initiative encourages the evaluation of existing models, pooling resources and acting communally to propose an environment that is more conducive for experimental gallery exhibitions to take place internationally.
For the inaugural year of Condo Mexico City Marso is pleased to host Sans Titre (2016) and Sultana, both based in Paris. The intention of these two exhibitions is to explore the vision of an exotic Mexico and confront the ideals of myths and fantasies, contrasted with a present reality and sensitivity. This confrontation is echoed by presenting the works of two young British artists whose practices allude to an idealized fantasy — and whose work has never been shown in Mexico—, in dialogue with two Mexico based artists that are constantly inspired by the realities of the country.
About the artists
Paloma Proudfoot (London, UK, 1992) uses sculptural objects as characters, a set of players that repeat, morph and re-emerge across different works through installation and performance. Using slip-casting to make hollow ceramic husks, Proudfoot manipulates these casts creating concave cheeks, gutted bellies and protruding spouts. These shallows and openings transform the objects into vessels, creating opportunities to fill their emptiness with materials that perish or metamorphose over time. Drying and decaying eggs, flowers, berries, home-brewed alcohol and bath salts mould over and alloy to the ceramics exposing their vulnerability and interrupting the immutability of the medium. Transposing her experience in clothes-making techniques to clay, Proudfoot also uses pattern-cutting methods to slab build figurative work, playing between the two-dimensional pattern pieces and three-dimensional forms they make up. As well as her solo sculptural practice, Proudfoot has a number of ongoing collaborations; including with the sculptor Saelia Aparicio; with the artist and choreographer Aniela Piasecka; and with the performance group Stasis.
Rather than showing an explicit narrative, George Rouy (Lives and works in London, UK) “chases a feeling” and channels this perception into his characters. “The tilted heads in some of the figures make a reference to frustration and things being broken. I would say every series has an awareness for what’s currently going on, both in myself and in the world,” he says. “I like to depict a sense of beauty paired with darkness, either within their expression or pose. I am quite specific with these poses and it takes me a while to get the right balance.”
Carlos Arias (Santiago de Chile, 1964) Como consecuencia de la dictadura militar en Chile, se exilió con su familia a México, donde residió de 1975 a 1983. Regresó a Chile para estudiar artes plásticas y posteriormente realizó una maestría en la UNAM en la Ciudad de México en 1988. En 1994 decidió abandonar la pintura y dedicarse al bordado como un medio para la reflexión conceptual, siendo también un punto desde donde hacer una crítica a la representación identitaria y problemáticas de género en la Ámérica postcolonial. Ha sido profesor de la Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) desde 1998. Recibió la beca FONDART del gobierno chileno para realizar un proyecto en torno al hilo y fue miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (2004-2007).
Lorena Herrera Rashid (México, 1972) es artista y diseñadora, estudió Artes Plásticas en la Akademie der Bildenden Künste de Munich. Ha expuesto en galerías y diferentes espacios culturales en Alemania, Suiza, Estados Unidos, México, Reino Unido, India y Tailandia. Ha sido ganadora del Premio Steiner-Stiftung de la Akademie der Bildenden Künste de Munich, así como de la Trienal de Arte de Delhi en India. Asimismo, ha sido becaria del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.